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Proudly Made in
USA & Canada

We support USA and Canada


It’s more than a country, it’s a dream that we are all taught to aspire to from a very young age.

However, jobs in America are leaving our shores at an exponential rate.

And because of the loss of jobs, the American economy also suffers.

Ethical concerns

Other countries are paying cents on the dollar to up their profits, while sacrificing quality.

Through no fault of their own, the people in those countries aren’t held to the same standards that they are here.

There is a solution

Buy North American-made products.

When you buy from a company that supports every single facet of the economy (from manufacturing all the way to customer service), you can take pride in the fact that you are purchasing a quality product at a competitive price and giving a much needed jolt to our economic well being.

Support our economy

At Barstool Comforts, we take pride in the fact that all of our furniture is made in the USA and Canada. Supporting our economy and seeing our employees flourish here is important. We urge you to consider purchasing more American-made products in the future.