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Stop the Spin: Locking Swivel Seats Made Easy

Time needed: 20 minutes

Do you have swivel stools in your home and worry about your children accidentally banging them into the counters or hurting themselves while spinning on them? Don’t worry, you can easily child-proof your stools by locking the swivel mechanism. This simple solution ensures your little ones stay safe while using the stools and gives you peace of mind.

  1. Locate the Swivel Plate

    First, flip the stool upside down and locate the swivel plate that connects the base to the seat. The swivel plate typically appears as two plates joined by a swivel mechanism.

    Lock a Swivel

  2. Drill a Hole

    Using a drill bit designed for metal, drill a hole through both the top and bottom plates. Once you’ve drilled the hole, insert a screw to secure the plates together. This will prevent the seat from swiveling and transform your stool into a sturdy and stationary seat.

Posted by Stephanie

on in Bar Stool Tips


A lover of all types of design, Stephanie brings over 9 years of experience with interior design and seating. From modern to transitional, she loves any design that exudes comfort and elegance.